"88 Voices...Now we can have a Conversation"
(Formerly known as Talking to a Chimookoman)

A Senior Fellowship Production.....
Wednesday, May 25th & Thursday, May 26th
* 7:00pm *
Filene Auditorium
This play is a compilation of 88 conversations about American Indian individual
and community perceptions and realities today with people living and working in
the Minneapolis/St. Paul greater metro area.  The conversations were held with
people both of Native and non-Native decent. Their words have been kept
verbatim. These are their stories.

Cinnamon Spear
Cody Riggers 
Dez Deschenie 
Winter Fox Frank
Joseph Bonnell-Hall
Jaymes Sanchez
Vicky Stein
Nell Pierce
Vero Lecocq
Mihret Getabicha
Diane Chen
Charlie Grant
Robert Smith

Producer/ Writer/ Director- Addie Gorlin '11
Assistant Director/ Dramaturg- Aaluk Susan Edwardson '12
Costumes- Victoria Portnow '14, Emily Adams '12
Sound Design- Susan Hakes '12, Lia Grigg '11
Light Design- Becky Waite '12