

Featuring the *~*DECIBELLES*~*, the Brovertones, and the Cords!

Come enjoy free Boloco or enter a raffle to win an iPad, Bose Speakers, Red Sox  
Tickets, and much more...all for a wonderful cause!

Monday, May 16, 5:00-7:00pm
Collis Commonground

Event tickets are $5, raffle tickets are each an additional $1 - get as many as  
you want, payable by DASH. Blitz "hope sings" with your name and student ID number  
to reserve event and raffle tickets. Tickets will also be sold at Collis all afternoon  
on May 16.

All proceeds will benefit the microfinance projects of the non-profit organizations  
"Hope Sings" and "Grameen America." Co-sponsored by Alpha Phi, KDE, Seeds, and  
the Rockefeller Center.
