Do you want to learn more about the future direction of health care in the United States?
Are you confused about how you, your family, or your future career will fit within the system?
Are you interested in the role The Dartmouth Institute played in implementing change?
The Nathan Smith Society invites ALL students to join Sociology professor Denise Anthony and Dr. Elliot Fisher from the Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice in deciphering the current and future state of health care in the United States.  After hearing a brief overview of its structure, including emphasis on insurance options and current problems, we will learn about how the current administration plans to improve the system.  Presentations from the speakers will be followed by a short Q&A session.
The information provided will be non-partisan.  The event will be of value to students from a variety of backgrounds who, along with their families and friends, will require health care throughout their lives!
Wednesday, May 18, Carson L01, 5:15 PM