~AMARNA Presents~
~*~~* ~ Monday Night Dinner  ~*~~*~

	Join us.
                          7 PM

With special guest...

Bio: Since arriving at Dartmouth in the fall of 1999, Pam Misener
has worked to support the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
students, faculty, staff, and alumni as OPAL's Advisor to LGBTQA
Students.  Pam holds a M.Ed from the University of Massachusetts
Amherst in Social Justice Education, where she most enjoyed
teaching classes on the implications of social diversity,
particularly in education systems.  A native Marylander, she began
working with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students in
Baltimore where she was honored for her outstanding work.
Key components to Pam's professional practice are understanding
intersecting experiences of identity within the whole person, and
developing leaders skilled at engaged pluralism.

Pam will be talking about "Gender Journies." Join us!

On the menu tonight:
-Thai Stir Fry
-Cilantro Lime Rice

And for dessert......
Coconut custard!


Where is Amarna, you say?
Amarna is located at 23 E. Wheelock street,
second house past the traffic light after the gym,
and right across from Kappa Kappa Gamma.

What is Amarna?
Amarna is a coed residential Undergraduate social organization.
We are open and non-exclusive, with no rush or pledge period
for new members. We embrace, affirm and appreciate individuality
and diversity. We encourage a spirit of voluntary, not obligatory,
participation in house activities. We plan and hold a variety of
events, from dance parties to weekly dinners with faculty and
administrators, from our signature "Wine and Cheese" to
community service activities and events addressing issues of diversity.

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