Interested in Politics? The Budget? The Primary? Labor issues? 
Come join the College Democrats for their first meeting of the term and stay for  
a special SEIU sponsored screening of the film "At The River I Stand."

We'll be holding elections for our Political Affairs Director (blitz dcd if you  
have any questions), and planning events for the upcoming term.
College Democrats Meeting
Rocky6:30  P.M.
Pizza will be served

Followed by
"At The River I Stand"
6:45ish P.M
Also Rocky

"During two eventful months in 1968, what began as a local labor dispute between  
African American sanitation workers and the white power structure of Memphis grew  
into the devastating tragedy of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  
and a national struggle for racial and economic justice. It marked a turning point  
in the Civil Rights Movement."