The Student Initiative on Global Engagement seeks applications from *current sophomores and juniors* to serve on its Steering Committee for the 2011-2012 academic year. SIGE is funded by the President's Office Kramer Prize and seeks to improve the ethics and efficacy of student service, research, internships, and study in under-served communities. It hosts discussions and provides peer advising and resources on global opportunities. Steering Committee Member Responsibilities: o Organize and facilitate three discussions per term open to campus about topics relevant to ethics and best practices in students' global engagement. Plan outcomes and case studies for the discussions. o Provide feedback on global opportunities to the Dickey Center, the Tucker Foundation, and other administrative organizations. o Serve as peer advisors on global engagement to individuals and student groups. o Spearhead creation of helpful resources for students (e.g. student handbook on ethical service and research, online database of global opportunities). o Propose innovations to develop students' engagement with issues of inequity. *SIGE is also hiring a Database Designer, a paid position on the Steering Committee. (See the attached for a detailed job description.) Please complete the attached application and return to [log in to unmask] by Sunday, April 3 at 11:59pm.