WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE TRIPS BETTER!!!  Your feedback is the only way we can
make Trips more awesome for everyone!!!!  Come share your ideas with us!!!


Want to know more about how the DOC Trips Program is run and what our goals are
for 2011?


Want to hear about how we choose leaders and croolings and what we're looking  
for in applications?


Think you're not a hiker or experienced in the ourdoors? There are so many more  
trips including community service, drawing, writing, photography, and natural
history. Plus if you have ideas about new trips we want to hear them!!!


Love your trip?
Hate your trip?
Didn't go on a trip?
Have an idea for a new trip?

We want you to share your opinions on what works for the Trips program and what
doesn't!  What drew you to trips and what pushed you away?


 Need a break from your DOC trips application & want some free food?


Then join the Trips Directorate for an UNVEILING of what FIRST-YEAR TRIPS is all
about!!!  We will have a brief video, panel of experiences, info about the
application process, and you will have a chance to discuss over YUMMY FREE FOOD
your experiences, excitements, concerns and suggestions!!

THIS IS NOT JUST FOR 14s, we need students from all classes to come to make this
dialouge meaningful!  It is more than just an info session!

We need your help with feedback for the program so we can make Trips 2011 better
than ever!  We can only improve the program with YOUR feedback!

To Recap: FREE TASTE OF AFRICA and discussion at:



Also, if you are planning on applying, you can sign up for PE credit this spring  
(the option will be up on Banner soon, it is not there yet though).  YOU MUST
sign up even though you do not know if you have been accepted to potentially
recieve credit.

Can't come but have feedback or questions?  Blitz "doctrips"

Application LInks:
 (they are do April 8th at 5 pm)

The 2011 Croo Application is available to download here:



To access the Trip Leader Application, go here:
