The First Year Trips Directorate for 2011 has been selected!

Applications for Trip Leaders and Croos we'll come out at the end of winter
term.  Please Please consider applying, Trips needs to represent EVERYONE on the
Dartmouth Campus and we need you to apply to make that happen!

Assistant Director: Andrew Purpura '11

H-Croo Chiefs: Grayson Zoulauf '12, Emma Routhier '12

Lodj Croo Chiefs: Dan Eisenson '12, Roni Nitecki '11

Vox Croo Chiefs: Emily Niehaus '12, Steve Praetorius '12

Grant Croo Chief: Milo Johnson '13

Klimbing Croo Chief: Riley Kane '12

Trip Leader Trainers: Anna Wearn '12, Chris Randall '12,  Jasper Hicks '12

Safety Master: Luisa Sperry '13

Inclusivity and Outreach Intern: Natasha Herring '12


All these individuals embody the true spirit of trips and we can't wait to work
with all of them to make Trips 2011 the best yet!  Feel free to ask them
questions about being a leader or on a Croo or to email questions, concerns,
advice, comments etc... to "Doc Trips"

-Emily Unger
Trips Director 2011