**Come to the Swing Dance Club organizational meeting**

Interested in dancing?
Never danced before and curious?
Had fun at our lessons or big dance this term?
Wish you had gotten involved?
Have ideas for the future?
Interested in a leadership position?

Tuesday, Nov 16
	7 pm @ Occom Commons
Bring your friends and your ideas!!
Dancing afterwards!

Note: this meeting will replace the normal East Coast Swing lessons.

*West Coast Swing lessons*
will happen at 8 (Same place!) with special guest instructor FAYE GREARSON:
teaching the West Coast Swing Flash Mob Choreo that is sweeping the nation! The  
trend started when a bunch of swingers decided to dance impromptu at a predetermined  
location. The song of choice that has been the recent big hit Dj Got us Falling  
in Love Again by Usher. Come learn a simple, yet effective choreo that has been  
taking the nation by storm with the lovely Faye Gearson