International Students Association (ISA) is proud to present!!!

An International Culture Night

November 19 (Friday) 7pm
Doors open at 6.30pm, food served
Collis Commonground
       ++ 'White Party' After-Party, One Wheelock, 10pm with DJ Bixten

--> One night. One stage. Many unforgettable performances!
---> Featuring Ujima, Staccato, Vandana, Chinese Dance Troupe and many others.

Free admissions. Dinner will be served.

With questions, concerns, reply to 'i-sa'.

Sponsored by: ISA, COSO, OPAL, Dickey Center, DCCS, ICC, AZD, MOSAIC, The Dartmouth  
International, Vietnamese Association, EKT, Dartmouth China Care Club, Agape Christian  
Fellowship, North Korean Project, KD, Amarna, AASPIRE, Alpha Phi, SFAC, IFC.

Truly yours,
~~ ISA