December 2018, Week 3


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George Clark <[log in to unmask]>
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Sat, 15 Dec 2018 19:59:16 -0500
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On this comparatively balmy afternoon, Ed Hack and I looked for birds along the Connecticut River in West Lebanon, NH, and then in Hartford, VT.  A highlight was seeing the female Barrow's Goldeneye, which we first saw with eleven female Common Goldeneyes upstream from behind the Staples store off Route 12A in West Lebanon and then later in the afternoon with two female Common Goldeneyes and other ducks downstream from Lyman Point Park in White River Junction. In both locations a spotting scope was needed to see the birds well. The Barrow's was first reported earlier this month by Wayne Scott and later seen by at least a few others and also photographed by Ken Cox. 

While on the Vermont side of the river and south of the I-89 bridge, we heard a few shots and in two separate locations saw, from long distance across the river, a hunter with Mallard decoys. Our impression was that ducks were moving about along the river because of the hunting. Duck season ends tomorrow, December 16. 

Another highlight for us while on the Vermont side of the river was seeing a mature Peregrine Falcon sitting upright near the top of a tall tree on the New Hampshire side of the river north of the I-89 bridge. In this case also, because of the distance, a spotting scope was needed for a good view. 

George Clark
Norwich, VT

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