June 2018, Week 2


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Sat, 9 Jun 2018 17:55:09 -0400
Upper Valley Birders <[log in to unmask]>
George Clark <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
This is a reminder  that on Saturday June 16, 2018, from 7:00 to 9:30 am, the Mascoma Chapter of New Hampshire Audubon is holding a bird walk authorized by state permit at the Windsor Grasslands Wildlife Management Area (formerly a part of the state prison property). This walk, to be led by Blake Allison, Ed Hack, and George Clark, is free and open to the public. All experience levels are welcome. Bring binoculars and insect/tick repellent. Participants should be prepared to walk as much as a mile over fairly level but unpaved and possibly damp terrain.  We’ll be looking for breeding birds in the wide variety of habitats at this site where, according to eBird records, throughout the year 148 species have historically been found. Summer birds have historically included snipe, cuckoos, kestrels, a variety of flycatchers, a number of warbler species including Blue-winged Warbler, towhees, field sparrows, and bobolinks. This bird walk will not be held in the unfortunate case of steady, heavy rain or thundershowers.

Road instructions: Car-pooling participants from the Hanover/Norwich area are to meet at 6:30 AM in the parking lot in Norwich at the west end of the Ledyard Bridge. (When coming from Hanover, cross the Ledyard Bridge, take an immediate right turn onto River Road in Norwich and then an immediate left into the unpaved parking lot.) From that lot we’ll go directly to Windsor. We’ll aim to return to Norwich around 10:00 am.

.In Windsor, the bird walk is to start at 7:00 am at the parking area next to the red building on the east side of Marton Road just to the south of the intersection with Pond Road. Participants coming from the west or south may wish to drive directly to the starting point in Windsor. (If coming from Main Street [= Route 5] in downtown Windsor, turn west at the traffic light onto State Street, drive west going directly onto Hunt Road, and, at about 2.1 miles from the traffic light, turn right onto Marton Road. Continue on Marton Road for 1.2 miles to the red building on the right where the walk is to begin).

George Clark
Norwich, VT

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