Office of Sponsored Projects Round Table
And Research Administrator’s Day Celebration
September 28, 2017 – 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Goldstein: Occom Commons- Room 105
Conference Line: 1-800-503-2899, Access Code: 6463007
1. Introduction – Jill
2. CPHS updates (single IRB and other) Liz Bankert and Ann O’Hara (10 minutes)
3. Financial Review Guidelines - Jill Mortali (10 minutes, incl. questions)
4. DH Transition – Jill Mortali (10 minutes)
5. NIH FORMS E changes – Stephanie Morgan (10 Minutes)
6. NIH/NSF Updates - Renee Brown (10 minutes)
7. Old Business/ New Business
Cake and coffee provided in celebration of Research Administrator’s Day.
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