February 2013, Week 4


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Cabin and Trail <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Feb 2013 06:34:08 +0000
Cabin and Trail <[log in to unmask]>
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Cabin and Trail <[log in to unmask]>
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Dearest CnTers,

It is the time to vote for the CnT co-chairs. Anyone that considers him or herself a member of CnT can vote (so you should do it!). You can vote for 2 people for each of the four terms (13S, 13X, 13F, 14W). Read the blurbs below from the people running and blitz in your votes by replying to this email. If you are going to attend the meeting then do not email in your votes. You can vote at the meeting. Absentee ballots (blitz votes) are due by Monday at 11pm.

13S Candidates: Andrew Milligan and Max Deibel
13X Candidates: Patrick Campbell
13F Candidates: Graham Findlay and Max Deibel
14W Candidates: Andrew Milligan, Graham Findlay, and Max Deibel

Vote for a maximum of 2 candidates for each of the 4 terms. Here are their statements.

Mr. Patrick Campbell:

Cabin and Trail has given me so much since I arrived at Dartmouth. It has taken me on adventures across the country, taught me new outdoor skills, and introduced me to some of my best friends and most interesting people I have met thus far in my Dartmouth career. I am running for Chair this summer because I would like the opportunity to give back to the group and the people that have already given me so much. I believe that Sophomore summer is an ideal time to bring in new members, as it gives people on campus the opportunity to get to know Chubbers and the mountains surrounding Hanover away from the normal cold that may discourage some from coming on a hike with us. In addition to working to bring in new members, I also want to pursue a greater club connection with faculty during the summer. After speaking with Rory, I found out to my surprise that some faculty don’t look upon the DOC as favorably as I previously thought. I believe that through inviting faculty members on select trips we can help to improve the image of Cabin and Trail, and the DOC in general, in the eyes of the faculty. This would also help to give more investment to the faculty advisory committee, and would help promote better connections between Chubbers and faculty members. If the leader body is in favor, I would be willing to spearhead coordinating with faculty members to bring them along on trips. I also could work to allocate funding or petition from the directorate for additional general funding to provide additional incentives for faculty to come along, such as allowing them to go on trips for free if they are interested. Thank you for this opportunity, and I hope to continue to work with you all in the future to help make this club the best it can be!

Mr. Graham Findlay:

Greetings, CnT. I'm looking to serve as a chair for 13F and 14(!)W. As time has passed I've found myself leading fewer and fewer trips, and I feel pretty bad about that. If I were a better person, I'd repent by rejoining the ranks of those who make trips happen: the trippees and the trip leaders. But, alas, I am weak and have fallen into the disreputable habit of rock climbing. I ask for your forgiveness and say in my defense that I am, always have been, and always will be, a chubber. Hopefully you know this.

In lieu of leading trips, I'd like to handle your budgets, google docs, and leader meetings. I'd like to hypocritically harass you all to lead trips, and--more importantly--actually help you to lead them. I'm for improved leader education, gently or sustainably tapping the reserve fund, ramped-up outreach, tent overnights, Owl's Head, and trailwork. I'm also for Max Deibel. He's done this before and did a really good job of it, so if you vote for me before you vote for him, you're not right in the head. I'd be honored to have your second vote, though.

Mr. Andrew Milligan:

I grew up hiking all across the West, so when I came to Dartmouth, I naturally found a home in CnT.  From the minute I got here, I became very involved, going to all the meetings and on tons of trips.  CnT has definitely become the focal point of my Dartmouth life.  Becoming a leader and moving into a more organizational role in the club has made me see the club in a new way and better appreciate all the behind-the-scenes effort that people like Kyle and Julia have put in over the years.  The chairs play a very important role in the identity and strength of the club, and I would be honored to fill that role.  At the end of the day, I've always loved the out-of-doors, and in CnT I've found a solid family that shares that love.  I would be honored to be CnT chair.

Mr. Max Deibel:

My name's Max, I'm a '14 from Minnesota, and I'd be thrilled to be a chair of CnT! Cabin and Trail has undoubtedly been the most important group to me throughout my time at Dartmouth, starting all the way back in freshman orientation, so I'd be really excited to have the opportunity to give back to the club. CnT has always provided a weekly balance of hardcore hiking and casual expeditions, a group that's devoted to having a great time both on the trails and on campus, and a welcoming environment that keeps attracting more and more members. These are the aspects of CnT I love, and these are the aspects which I would do my best to maintain and improve upon as CnT chair. In addition, I want to increase the number of outdoors education opportunities for any chubbers who want to learn, and I want to continue looking into how to best take advantage of our new interim system with some awesome new trips. I've led many CnT day-trips since I became a leader in 11S, have helped to organize and lead spring break and cabin hopping trips, and have served as CnT chair in 12S and 12X, which gives me a lot of experience and knowledge that I look forward to applying over the next year. More importantly, I'm an organized, fun-loving, and dedicated member of Cabin and Trail who's pumped to keep the club running smoothly and the chubber spirit alive. Because of this I think I'd be a great chair, and I hope you consider me for the upcoming terms!