April 2011, Week 3


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Upper Valley Birders <[log in to unmask]>
Lila Ollmann <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:06:31 -0400
text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Lila Ollmann <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
I've been walking my dogs on the golf course for the last week because our
favorite trails are closed right now, and so been watching out hoping to see
the Merlins who've nested there the last few years. Took my binoculars every
day but today, and wouldn't you know it, I think I saw them.. or heard them.
 They are very small, correct? With fast wing beats? and make a noise that's
not exactly like a robin "whinney" noise, or a pileated wp or flicker, but a
sort of squeaky keh keh keh? I had my iphone, though, so I played "Merlin"
loudly to see if they'd respond, and one of them DID cross the 9th fairway
immediately and jump into the top of the pine tree I was passing.  Seemed
the right shape from below.  They were between the 9th and.. 15th fairway
(Whatever the fairway is that runs parallel to the 9th).

There were 2 canada geese swimming around in that little pool next to the
Lyme rd. (rte. 10). They seemed kind of out of place there for some reason.
It's such a small pool.

I've also seen (once) and heard (a lot) a Pileated WP behind the 13th.. or
14th green.  That is a large bird. Last summer I had an immature Sharpie who
was trying to eat one (my interpretation) even though it was half its size.

And heard a Hermit Thrush out there yesterday also. I know other people have
been hearing them, but this was the first I heard this year.  It really
doesn't feel much like spring yet.

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