May 2010, Week 5


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Upper Valley Birders <[log in to unmask]>
Becky Cook <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 May 2010 18:07:49 -0400
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Becky Cook <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (79 lines)
The Mascoma Chapter of NH Audubon held its final bird walk of the Spring season this morning at the Union Village Dam.  Highlights of the 53 species found:  an Indigo Bunting seen thru scope from the flagpole area; an adult Killdeer and 3 chicks by the ranger station; 2 Evening Grosbeaks in the Mystery Trail area; a Louisiana Waterthrush singing loudly and at length, but not visibly, also by the Mystery Trail; and, again, Alder FC's everywhere.

Thanks to all who shared these trips with us this season - we appreciate your companionship, enthusiasm, and birding knowledge.

The details:

Location:     VT - Union Village Dam
Observation date:     5/30/10
Notes:     L. Waterthrush singing loudly by bridge, but not visible; I. Bunting seen thry scope from flagpole; Killdeer 1 adult (mom?) and 3 chicks; good look at Pine Warbler
Number of species:     53

Mallard     1
Hooded Merganser     2
Ruffed Grouse     1
Killdeer     4
Spotted Sandpiper     1
Belted Kingfisher     1
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker     2
Eastern Wood-Pewee     1
Alder Flycatcher     12
Least Flycatcher     4
Eastern Phoebe     2
Great Crested Flycatcher     1
Eastern Kingbird     4
Red-eyed Vireo     6
Blue Jay     6
American Crow     2
Common Raven     2
Tree Swallow     6
Barn Swallow     1
Black-capped Chickadee     6
House Wren     3
Veery     12
American Robin     8
Gray Catbird     4
Cedar Waxwing     2
Nashville Warbler     1
Northern Parula     2
Yellow Warbler     6
Chestnut-sided Warbler     10
Black-throated Blue Warbler     1
Yellow-rumped Warbler     6
Black-throated Green Warbler     2
Pine Warbler     3
Black-and-white Warbler     3
American Redstart     10
Ovenbird     12
Louisiana Waterthrush     1
Common Yellowthroat     10
Canada Warbler     2
Chipping Sparrow     2
Song Sparrow     12
Swamp Sparrow     4
White-throated Sparrow     6
Scarlet Tanager     1
Northern Cardinal     1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak     6
Indigo Bunting     1
Red-winged Blackbird     6
Common Grackle     6
Brown-headed Cowbird     1
Baltimore Oriole     4
American Goldfinch     6
Evening Grosbeak     2

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