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Mon, 4 Oct 2010 09:14:33 -0400
PoliTALK <[log in to unmask]>
Campus Events <[log in to unmask]>
PoliTALK <[log in to unmask]>
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Why settle for just a lecture?

This Thursday, Indur Goklany will hold his discussion on "The Improving State of the World" but then will join PoliTALK for a dinner discussion.

So go to the lecture... then come join PoliTALK @ 6:30pm for some delicious  (non-DDS) food and great discussion with Mr. Goklany.

Please blitz back if you know you are coming so we know how much food to get 

This Thursday, Indur Goklany presents:

"The Improving State of the World"

Pollution. Disease. Poverty. Population growth.
Think we're destroying ourselves and the planet?

Here's another perspective.
Things might actually be getting better.

In this talk, Indur Goklany will discuss empirical trends in human well-being from the Industrial Revolution onward, why these improvements occurred and how continued progress is possible.

THURSDAY, October 7
1 Rockefeller Hall

A reception catered by Murphy's will be held outside Rocky 1 at 4:15pm. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet the speaker, ask questions, and eat some delicious food before the event begins. Additionally, PoliTALK will be hosting a dinner discussion with Mr. Goklany following his lecture.

This event is cosponsored by the Dartmouth Libertarians, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center and PoliTALK.
Indur M. Goklany is an independent scholar whose work examines the interrelationships among globalization, economic development, human well-being, environmental quality, and technological change. Over a career spanning more than 35 years in government, think tanks and the private sector, Goklany has helped pioneer innovative environmental policy ideas, including emissions trading, habitat and biodiversity conservation through increased productivity and efficiency of land and water use, and boosting the adaptive capacity and resilience of developing countries against climate change through sustainable economic development, technological change, and trade. He has been associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since its inception in 1988 as an author, expert reviewer, and U.S. delegate. His books include The Precautionary Principle: A Critical Appraisal of Environmental Risk Assessment; Clearing the Air: The Real Story of the War on Air Pollution; and, most recently, The Improving State of the World: Why We're Living Longer, Healthier, More Comfortable Lives on a Cleaner Planet.  He was also the recipient of the 2007 Julian Simon Prize.