The Cultural and Religious Tradition of Jewish Food
Sunday, February 20th, 1:00pm, Roth Center
Guest speaker: Prof. Ted Merwin, Dickinson College
Join us at the Roth Center tomorrow at 1 PM for a deluxe brunch catered by the
best deli in Boston and hear about the history of Jewish food!
Selections will include all kinds of classic Jewish deli delights, including a
Kosher deli platter, vegetarian options, and as many pickles as you can eat!
All you need to bring is an empty stomach and an open mind. Come nosh (and
maybe learn something, too) with your favorite Jews and non-Jews over at the
Roth Center!
ALL ARE WELCOME to attend!!
This event is part of a series:
The Heart of the Matter:
Exploring Religious Communities at Dartmouth
AQ: Christ's Presence in the Church, Thursday, February 24th, 7:00pm,Aquinas
House Catholic Student Center
Baha'i: Light of Unity: A Baha'i Devotional, Tuesday March 1st, 6:30pm, Tucker
seminar room
Events are one hour, open and geared toward the public, and include Q and A!
Come to any, come to all and pick up a passport pamphlet with prizes for
Events sponsored by the Multi-Faith Council and the Tucker Foundation.