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Sigma Lambda Upsilon Sorority <[log in to unmask]>
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Sat, 24 Sep 2011 10:11:49 -0400
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Join Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Seņoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. in celebrating  
our annual RAICES week from September 25th 2011 to October 1st 2011!

RAICES is a sorority-wide event that is put on by each chapter of the organization.  
Hermanas across the U.S conduct various events and community service projects  
at their respective campus and within their local community.

This year our theme is Marianismo. Marianismo is defined as the counterpart to  
machismo and as the expectation of femininity. It is derived from the Virgin Mary  
and is an expectation that women are spiritually higher than men and thus must  
be virginal, not sexual, motherly, and docile. This theme should empower women  
and allow everyone to learn that women are sexual beings, strong-minded, independent  
of men, and can choose to fulfill their goals regardless of societal or cultural  

Here is a list of events we will have this week, be sure to check some out:

El Marianismo: La Hermana del Machismo (The Sister of Machismo)
Monday, September 26th 2011
209 Rockefeller 6:00 pm

What is Machismo and Marianismo? Professor Reyes of the Latin American, Latino  
and Caribbean Studies Department delivers a lecture on the intricate topic. Refreshments  
will be served. Q & A will follow.

The Fairytale
Tuesday, September 27th 2011
LALACS House 7:00 pm

Influential women, Professor Beatriz Pastor of the Spanish and Portuguese Department,  
Professor Siobhan Milde of the Chemistry Department, Professor Rebecca Biron of  
the Spanish and Portuguese Department/Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies  
Department, Professor Rosa Orellana of the Mathematics Department and Stephanie  
Chestnut Assistant Director of the Women and Gender Studies Department discuss  
the challenges they have faced as professional women. Dinner will be served. Q  
& A will follow.

12th & Delaware Screening
Thursday, September 29th 2011
113 Silsby 6:30 pm

Screening of award-winning documentary that explores abortion from the perspective  
of a pro-choice center and a pro-life center that are across the street from each  
other. Refreshments will be served. Q & A will follow.

Upper Valley Haven Shelter
Friday, September 30th 2011
Upper Valley Haven 4:00 pm

Volunteer to cook dinner for the residents of the Upper Valley Haven, a non-profit  
organization that provides emergency shelter, food, clothing and educational programming  
to those in need.

Informal Tea
Sunday, October 2nd 2011
209 Rockefeller 12:00 pm Sharp

Come find out why Sincerity, Loyalty and Unity are the qualities that make a woman  
complete. Business casual. Refreshments will be served.

I hope to see you at some of the events. Please RSVP at [log in to unmask]  
Have a great week!

Jessica Reyes - President
Alpha Beta Chapter
Epsilon Line Spring 10'
Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Seņoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc.