Heard of the Sustainability Strategic Planning Process?
Have some great ideas?
Want to learn more about whats happening with Sustainability at the college?
Become a sustainability minor? Take more classes on Sustainability?
Join us for free dinner and a roundtable discussion about Sustainability in Curriculum at Dartmouth!
Thursday, January 5
6-8pm, Collis 101
Over the past year, students, faculty committees, and the Culture and Learning Working Group for the Sustainability Strategic Planning Process have been hard at work listening to and generating ideas about how to further integrate sustainability values into Dartmouth student life and education. They've come up with a list of ideas and now it's time to present these to students and get some important feedback!
Join us for a brief presentation of what has already happened and what is in the works as far as sustainability in curriculum? Then offer your feedback in a roundtable discussion! Are we on the right track? How would students like to engage moving foward? What are your ideas? What has worked in the past? This is your opportunity to get involved and share your voice about the future of Dartmouth culture and education!
We're listening!
Friend us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dartmouth-Sustainability/190425884324950