Hello Cabin and Trail!

CnT Directorate was established in the spring to better suit the needs of an expanding club and to accomplish the many things the chairs can't do just on their own.

In the winter we'll be moving to positions that are elected for the whole year (like what we have for chair elections)—but until then we'll be electing on a term-by-term basis. So that's what we're doing now for this fall! Hooray. This is an incredibly exciting time as we welcome the 23s!!!

If you think you'd be interested in a position—you'll do great! RUN! If you're a new leader—you are SO qualified! RUN! If you're an old leader—you still have so much to contribute! RUN! If you're a heeler—doesn't make your perspective less valuable to the club! RUN!

These are the positions you can run for!
Heeler Chair (have to be a leader to run)
Trails Chair
Leader Leader (continuing leader education; have to be a leader to run)
Inclusivity and Outreach Chair
Logistics Chair
Environmental Chair
For more information on each of the positions, please see this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DAo1bSsvH8aCYJozkSPDqkEBQlANcTyMkkZG9XzHsmI/edit 

If you'd like to run, fill out this form by THIS SUNDAY THE 18TH MIDNIGHThttps://forms.gle/8wmJtKtHkqaaVpJu9 We'll be having online voting next week!

Everyone's who's off campus—we miss you so much!! We'll see you so soon.

Rachel and Kevin