Hey Cabin and Trail!

Do you love repping CnT wherever you go?


Do you really wish you had more CnT swag?


Well, you are in luck, because this term we are ordering Cabin and Trail tee-shirts!!!


Tee-shirts will be white with the green cabin and trail logo, and can be ordered in Unisex Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large, and Extra-Extra-Large Sizes. For ten dollars** you can purchase your very own Cabin and Trail tee to rep our club in the woods, on your study abroad, at the Hanover Food Coop, or anywhere else your heart desires. I’ve attached pictures of what the shirt’s design will look like. If you are interested in purchasing this seriously awesome shirt that all the cool kids will be wearing, fill out this form!!:

https://forms.gle/f3rucBFRgZC1Pha96and blitz [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any questions! YOU MUST DO THIS BY JULY 2nd. After that, I will contact everyone ordering a shirt with details about how to pay for it. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please blitz me!


Maya Khanna

****NOTE: FOR XL and XXL sizes, the cost may be slightly higher. Probably a dollar or two.