Anyway, when logged in as root, I was able to instantly move the folder from its original location to the new one in my Home folder. I then logged back in as myself (an admin user), and ensured that I remained owner of the moved iTunes Music folder using the Sharing & Permissions area of its Finder Info window. I also used Sharing & Permissions to apply the permissions of the iTunes Music folder to all contained items to eliminate the possibility of incorrect ownership.

The path designations in the iTunes Library.xml file will, of course, have to be exact. If it now contains “Volumes”, you’ll probably need to include removing that designation as part of the find and replace operation now that the folder is on your internal drive. For me, each path designation for my iTunes music folder starts with file:///Users/ followed by the username, then the path to the folder inside my home folder. So if your home folder’s name is Cal, and your iTunes Music folder has been moved into the iTunes folder of the Music folder of your home folder, then the path that must prepend all contents of that folder would be file:///Users/Cal/Music/iTunes/ iTunes%20Music/. No spaces exist in the path to my iTunes folder, but if that’s not the case for you, then you would presumably need to use the “%20” designation instead of leaving spaces in the path designation or trying to escape them using a backslash (\).

If you need more help, I’ll try to respond to your questions.

Laine Lee