Hi Folks!!

This is short newsletter is for those folks planning an application to med-do/vet/dental school this summer.  Please read through these few important updates for you!


  1. PODCASTS: “How to Fill Out the AMCAS Application as a Dartmouth student” and “Creating Your School List”  podcasts can be found here!  PLEASE review the VERY IMPORTANT details of how to fill out the application.       FAQ’s enclosed.


  1. The Interview Process!

TUESDAY May 29th   5:30  Carson L02

You will be involved in this very significant part of application process next year.  Come to this workshop to learn about the different kinds of interview styles at different schools, typical questions you may get, types of preparation, considerations about attire, navigating the logistics, etc.


  1. Note about Application Submission Date: I am hearing unnecessary anxiety about submitting on the opening date of the application.  Keep in mind that the first date the application opens is NOT the “due” date.  While an early submission is strongly recommended, EARLY=the month of June, and submitting into July is still on the earlier end and not late.  It is better to submit a well written, thoughtful application, including your Spring grades than to be hasty.  


  1. Support Letters:  For those folks waiting on support letters, you can send  gentle reminders before they are due, and certainly if you don’t see a letter in by the due date, within 3-4 days of the due date, with follow up.  Hang in there! Not all writers will respond to your reminders but that doesn’t mean they didn’t see them.  If it becomes multiple weeks touch base with us.


  1. The Composite Letter Process: A reminder that HPP plays an important “quality control” role in the Letter process.  There may sometimes be time between when you “release to composite,” and when the composite writer receives all their materials.  There will also be a period of review after your composite writer submits their letter to HPP.   Also, remember that you can submit your AMCAS application while the letter is still in process.


  1. ENCLOSED: Enclosed you will find

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