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GRAD Listserv:
In this Newsletter:

Race Matters @ 25 | DCAL's LCFF | Insightdatascience Fellowships | Subscription Details
Race Matters @ 25

Good afternoon,

We are very pleased to announce that the website for our conference celebrating the work of Cornel West, Race Matters @ 25, is now live:

In order to take part in the event you will need to register, but anyone with a email address may register free until May 11. If you have any issues registering, email [log in to unmask] Please make sure you register soon and we look forward to seeing you for the conference and celebration in mid-July!


DCAL's LCFF: Time management - teaching, research, service, life!
Time:12:00pm - 1:30pm
Location:DCAL, 102 Baker Library

Come join us for a panel discussion on how to balance all the competing demands of academic life, and how to stay sane in the process! Maybe there are things you can start doing now to make life better in the next stage of your career.

In order to cultivate a community focused on teaching and learning amongst graduate students and postdocs, DCAL has established a Learning Community for Future Faculty (LCFF). The focus of this group is to share the rewards and challenges of college teaching, while digging a bit deeper into best practices and techniques for teaching. The LCFF meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month.

Insightdatascience Fellowships

Hi Kerry Landers,

The application deadline for Insight’s Fellowships is approaching on May 14th, and I want to pass along the latest information about our upcoming sessions. We have recently launched a number of new programs and expanded internationally, including a DevOps program in Silicon Valley, as well as Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programs in Toronto.

The Insight Data Fellows Programs are tuition-free fellowships for graduating students, PhDs, and postdocs looking to transition to careers in fields like data science, data engineering, artificial intelligence, and many others. Over the past 6 years, we have helped over 1400 Insight Fellows become data scientists and engineers at over 250 leading data-driven companies.

Would you be willing to forward the following announcement to your mailing list?


Cassie Stover
Head of Admissions
Insight Data Science


Insight Data Fellows Programs

Insight is now accepting applications from graduating students for our fellowships in:

- Data Science (for PhDs & Postdocs)
- Health Data Science (for PhDs & Postdocs)
- Data Engineering (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
- Artificial Intelligence (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
- Data Product Management (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)
- DevOps (for Bachelors, Masters, or PhDs)

1400+ Insight alumni are now working at Facebook, LinkedIn, The New York Times, Apple, Airbnb, Netflix, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Github, Slack, 23andMe, Twitter, Bloomberg, NBC, Pinterest, Microsoft, and 250+ other top companies.

Insight Fellows Programs:

- 7 week, full-time training fellowship
- Mentorship from leading industry data scientists, data engineers & AI specialists
- Join an active community of Insight alumni
- Self-directed, project-based learning followed by interviews at top companies
- Tuition-free with need-based scholarships and loans available to help cover living costs

Upcoming Early Application Deadline: May 14

Learn more & apply on our website:

Not ready to apply? Sign up for our notification list:

Questions? Email us at [log in to unmask]

Subscription Details

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