To  cut down  on  spam, the  DOC-MOUNTAIN-BIKING list  has  been configured  to
request  positive confirmation  of  messages posted  from  email addresses  not
currently  subscribed to  the  list. You  must now  confirm  that the  enclosed
message did originate from  you. To do so, simply reply  to the present message
and type "OK" (without the quotes) in the text of your message, or click on the
link below.  If this does not  work, or if  the message did not  originate from
you, then contact the list owner for assistance.

To APPROVE the message:


To unsubscribe from the DOC-ALL list, click the following link:


To unsubscribe from the DOC-WINTER-SPORTS list, click the following link:


To unsubscribe from the DOC-ALL list, click the following link: