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WISP Digest: Oct. 28, 2017

In this Newsletter:

WISP Peer Mentor Program: Course selection event

Chrissy Alvarado ’98 develops early research opportunities for women at University of California, San Diego

Slate Magazine Article: Thinking more broadly about careers in STEM fields

Women in STEM: Gauging interest in new Dartmouth student group

Dartmouth women attend the Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando, Florida

Event: Climate Change Lecture

Event: Film Screening

Contact Details

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Dartmouth women attend the Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando, Florida

The Grace Hopper Celebration brings together the world's largest gathering of women technologists. This year 31 women, accompanied by Professor Tom Cormen (Computer Science), attended the Grace Hopper Celebration in Orlando, Florida, largely supported by the Computer Science Department. This almost doubles the number of Dartmouth women who attended the event last year. This annual conference highlights the top women in technology as well as career opportunities.

Event: Climate Change Lecture

This year’s The George Link Jr. Environmental Awareness Lecture will feature Ken Kimmell, President of the Union of Concerned Scientists. The talk, entitled Climate Change Progress Post-Paris: Is the U.S. Still In? will take place on Monday, October 30 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Filene Auditorium, Moore Hall. For more information, see the Dartmouth Events Calendar.

Event: Film Screening

Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies will screen the breast implant documentary film Absolutely Safe. A trailer of the film can be found at

The event will also include a question and answer session with documentary filmmaker Carol Ciancutti and Judy Norsigian, former Executive Director of "Our Bodies, Ourselves." The event will take place Wednesday, November 1, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in Haldeman 41. For more information on this event, see the Dartmouth Events Calendar.

WISP Peer Mentor Program: Course selection event

The WISP Peer Mentor coordinators along with some WISP Peer Mentors and teaching fellows will be available on Sunday, October 29, from 8 – 10 p.m. in Baker 158 to give advice on course selection for Winter Term 2018. Although specifically targeted to ‘21s, feel free to drop by to get or give advice (and snacks).

Chrissy Alvarado ’98 develops early research opportunities for women at University of California, San Diego

Professor David Kotz (Computer Science) let WISP know recently about the Engaging Undergraduates in Research: UC San Diego Early Research Scholars Program, developed by WISP Alumni Chrissy Alvarado ’98. She is an associate teaching professor and vice chair for undergraduate affairs in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of California, San Diego. Her current efforts focus on designing curriculum and programs to make computing and computing education more accessible and appealing, with the specific goal of increasing the number of women and underrepresented minorities who study computing. We have to think she was at least partially inspired by her own WISP experience at Dartmouth.


Slate Magazine Article: Thinking more broadly about careers in STEM fields

Slate Magazine recently published an interesting piece by Elizabeth Garbee entitled The Problem with the Pipeline Metaphor in STEM Education. She argues that the “pipeline” metaphor defines STEM success too narrowly. Dartmouth’s Women in Science Project plans a panel of alumni women for winter term that will explore a range of careers that encompass STEM expertise.


Women in STEM: Gauging interest in new Dartmouth student group

Some Dartmouth women would like to gauge interest in a new student group focused on Hispanic and Latinx students interested in STEM-related fields. Before they seek funding for the group, they would like see how interested students might be. If relevant to you, please take a minute to fill out the survey. While the survey title mentions Engineering in particular, the group would be open to Hispanic and Latinx students interested in any STEM field. Please also forward the survey to friends you think might be interested.

Contact Details

Dartmouth College | 6201 Parker House | Hanover, NH 03755

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