(Apologies to those of you who are receiving this for the second time. I added many new names to the Listserv today)

Hey Folks,

Thanks everybody for the interest in Nordic Ski Club! My name's Matt. I'm a '20 who'll be helping out with the club this year. This fall, I'll be organizing some dryland practices each week for anyone who's interested. These are 100% optional and very informal, but they should be a fun way to get outside and stay in shape until we can get on the snow. We'll mostly be doing some running workouts around the area and core exercises to get swole & sturdy. Some days will involve ice-cream. Anyway, I'm attaching a survey at the bottom of this. Fill it out so I can gauge interest levels and choose times that will work best.

Matt Radosevich

SURVET TO FILL OUT: https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2Fe%2F1FAIpQLSffSAcbkzWhVQl0OhEbmk6rV7V-u1IyNVXA6ZOKiIavVGH0jA%2Fviewform%3Fc%3D0%26w%3D1%26usp%3Dmail_form_link&data=02%7C01%7CMatthew.J.Radosevich.20%40dartmouth.edu%7C78c6cb3c4f4747c0eea108d4fe32283a%7C995b093648d640e5a31ebf689ec9446f%7C0%7C0%7C636412938769825065&sdata=rleeEanHCXF0Pi4kTceJkH2VGB7YAoZwb5ULXX55BfM%3D&reserved=0


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