Please join us for the annual NERALLT (New England Regional Association for
Language Learning Technology) conference coming up soon:

"Lessons Learned In Language Teaching, Researching, And Assessing With

*Wesleyan UniversityMiddletown, CTOctober 19 & 20, 2017*

With Keynote Speaker:  Elvira Swender (ACTFL, Senior Advisor)
"ACTFL OPI to OPIc: Technology to assess oral proficiency – advantages,
challenges, test-taker perceptions, what the research shows"

Technology has developed rapidly over the last decade and instructors have
a great array of tools at their disposal for enhancing language teaching.
What have we learned from teaching languages, researching and assessing
language learning with technologies? What has worked well, what has not
worked well? Where will technology take language teaching, research, and
assessment in the future? What can technology afford us based on lessons
learned? This conference will look back and ahead and encourage
participants to reflect on their own use of technology for language
teaching, research and assessment.

Registration is now open, visit our website <> for more

Hope to see you there!


Jean M. Janecki, PhD
Language Resource Center Coordinator and LITS Liaison
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA 01075
413.538.2408 <(413)%20538-2408>

President-Elect NERALLT <> (New England Regional
Association For Language Learning Technology)