At the planning feed today, we elected...

Director of Trails: Sean Madden

To remind us we need to maintain our 50 miles of the Appalachian Trail

Directors of Cabins and Shelters: Adam Burnett and Maddy Kroot

To remind us we need to maintain our 11 cabins and various shelters

Social Chairs: Ursula, Tim Messen, and Matt Radosevich

To plan social events!

Heeler Chairs: Ethan Cook, Libby Decker, and Juan Miche Rosales

To help heelers become leaders

Feeds Chairs: Maddy Kroot and Hilda Friday

To find a feed cook each week

Fun Chair: Tommy Hart

To create fun activities for the main event at the meeting

Inclusivity + Outreach Chair: Ursula, Tyler Work, Juan Miche Rosales

To be friendly and encourage new people to get involved

Member at Large: Rory the 21

To keep it real

If any of these positions interest you, we do elections every term! You can run for any of these positions then.

the chairz

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