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Graduate Studies Listserv:
In this Newsletter:

3 Minute Thesis Competition | LCFF- Science Communication | Science Writer | Subscription Details
3 Minute Thesis Competition

Register for the 3-Minute Thesis Competition
Graduate students are becoming more aware of the importance of effectively explaining the impact of their work to a general audience. Whether it is in an "elevator pitch" situation or a short answer to "tell me about you research" during a job interview, describing one's research swiftly but clearly is key for a successful career.

In an effort to practice explaining research swiftly, the GSC will be organizing 3 Minute Thesis Competition! Graduate students that want to compete need to fill out an application, found on the link below. Furthermore, to be eligible to apply you need to be able to present your thesis research using lay language (in three minutes!) and you must be graduating in June. If you have any questions please contact the Academic Chair, Juana Nantez.

Date and Time: Thurs, May 18, 5-7pm
Location: Life Sciences Center
Link: Registration

LCFF- Science Communication

LCFF - Reflections on Science Communication
Monday May 8, noon @ DCAL
In May’s LCFF, we’ll reflect on how science is communicated by discussing two articles that were published in conjunction with the March for Science. In order to cultivate a community focused on teaching and learning amongst graduate students and postdocs, DCAL has established a Learning Community for Future Faculty (LCFF). The focus of this group is to share the rewards and challenges of college teaching, while digging a bit deeper into best practices and techniques for teaching. The topics are chosen by the group and sessions are facilitated by grad students and postdocs. The LCFF meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month. We’re looking for a facilitators for upcoming sessions on topics recommended by the group or chosen by the facilitator. If you’d like more teaching experience, consider volunteering!

Science Writer

Hi there STEPS,

On May 9 we'll be having lunch with Shannon Hall, a local resident and science journalist who's had articles featured all over the place. She's had cover stories for New Scientist and Sky & Telescope, and was most recently published by National Geographic and NBC.

She'll be leading a discussion about science journalism, her path from scientist to journalist, science outside of academia, and any other current events that anyone wants to get into.

Come for the discussion, stay for the pizza! RSVP here or on the Facebook page (, and invite anyone who'd be interested.

It should be great - see you there!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Graduate Studies

Subscription Details

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Dartmouth Graduate Studies