Dear World Language Teacher,

If you are a world languages teacher who uses technology in the K-12 classroom will you please respond to this brief (10-15 minute) pilot study survey?  Your opinions and experiences are valuable to understanding the unique factors that impact the use of web–enhanced language learning (WELL) based technologies in the classroom.  This data can be used to inform teachers and teacher educators about training surrounding the use of WELL. 

WELL is an overarching term used to describe technology used in the teaching and learning of languages.  This survey will be used to conduct a research study exploring the ways in which world language teachers learn to use WELL based technologies in the classroom and the types of technologies used.  The survey will be available from April 18, 2017-April 28, 2017 and your responses will be used to validate this survey instrument. 

This study is being conducted by doctoral student, Ayesha Swinton, at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Ayesha will be the primary investigator, and will personally collect all data during this study.

If you have questions, want more information or have suggestions about this study, please contact: Ayesha Swinton by phone at (336) 261-3142 or by email at [log in to unmask].

I greatly appreciate your time and consideration.


Ayesha M.C. Swinton, M.Ed

University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Teacher Education PhD Student