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Graduate Studies Listserv:
In this Newsletter:

GRAD Poster Winners 2017! | | Subscription Details
GRAD Poster Winners 2017!


We want to thank everyone--presenters and attendees alike--for making the graduate student poster session a great success. All the judges were truly impressed with the quality of the posters, the presentations and the level of the scholarship. There was so much exciting research represented in Alumni Hall! We wished we could have made awards to all participants and we look forward to seeing many of you again next year and seeing your newest results.

With this in mind, then, the winners of the poster prizes are:

McKinley Brumback, Physics and Astronomy (Ryan Hickox)
Using NuSTAR to Probe X-ray Pulsars with Warped Disks and Flares

Jin Hyun Cheong, Psychological and Brain Sciences (Luke Chang)
Inferring Social Impressions from Facial Expressions

Christina Gilligan, Physics and Astronomy (Brian Chaboyer)
Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters

Mavra Nasir, Quantitative Biomedical Sciences (Jane E. Hill and Deborah A. Hogan)
Diagnosing Lung Infections Using Breath in Cystic Fibrosis Individuals

Xiaotian Wu, Thayer School of Engineering (Ryan J. Halter)
Laryngoscopy System for Intra-operative Imaging During Trans-oral Surgery

A special thanks goes to our judges: Tom Cormen, Laura Ogden, John Voight, Brian Pogue, Karen Ashley, Michael Casey, Scott Gerber, Cynthia Stewart, Glenda Shoop, Brent Berwin, Pam Bagley, Heather Johnson, John Wallace, Susan Schwarz, Christian Darabos, and Lora Leligdon.

In addition, please make sure to read our website at where we will be posting the winners of the Grad Faculty Mentoring Award and the Grad Community Award.



F. Jon Kull, Ph.D.
Dean of Graduate and Advanced Studies
The Rodgers Professor at Dartmouth College
Professor of Chemistry
37 Dewey Field Road, Room 437
Hanover, NH 03755, USA

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Dartmouth Graduate Studies