Hi folks.

So, as you may or may not know, Lainie and I are not dictators-for-life of the club. (That would be Rory). Our terms are up in a few short weeks, and thus we'll need to be electing leaders for the following four terms.

I'm working on putting together a voting form for this—we'll need two presidents per term—so over the next week or so put some serious thought into whether being chair of CnT is something you'd like to do, and, if so, why: what do you plan to bring to the club? Will you have enough time? Have you identified problems that you think some concerted effort could fix? Do you have a long-term vision you'd like to help foster/implement?

Talk to either of us about what the thing entails.

*you have to be a CnT leader to run*

PS There's also the general DOC elections, which are open to anyone: president, vp (x2), treasurer.

—Nick (& Lainie)

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