Hi everyone,

I have been working on some ways to grow and diversify language programs in a climate of decreasing funds. I know there is more than one way to do this and I’m thinking that some of you might be doing the same. I was considering putting together a panel, rather than just a session on what is happening at UW, for the IALLT conference. Something to the effect of “Growing and Diversifying Language Offerings on a Dime: How Collaboration Builds Credentialing” or something to that effect depending on the different scenarios that panelists would bring to the table. 

Anyone interested in being part of the panel, please email me [log in to unmask] ASAP as proposals are due in a couple of days. 

Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you!

Lauren Rosen
Collaborative Language Program
University of Wisconsin
618 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison, WI  53706

608-262-4066 (voice)
608-265-3892 (fax)