Hey Guys!

1. Lets get trips on the google doc,<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B6_vXVboy_a3CvcGoes64gWnkqbprBByF2Rv1asUumI/edit#gid=0> this week!

  1.  If each leader puts ONE trip up for the week today, it will give people a chance to get out!

  2.  if you are using a club bike, it needs to go on the doc

  3.  more trips on the drive = more funding

  4.  put in descriptions and choose the appropriate trip type

2. If you are interested in leading and driving a weekend trip, reply all

3. Keep your leader / leader in training info up to date on this doc<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqnwK0LUfI4WdGJXOEg1U0hNaTM4TUhwYjFzMGs0bHc&usp=drive_web#gid=0>.

4. Leaders in training:  if you need a co lead, let the leader know you are co leading beforehand. If you need a refresher on what requirements you still need, go here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C2EdBNY4hJVILc4Ccx3P27qOFHkazauPMbDE0ZtUfRI/edit?usp=drive_web>.

5. Come to our weekly meeting on Wednesday at 8:00 in the basement of Robo!


Sign up to get financial aid on any DOC-related activity: http://outdoors-dev.dartmouth.edu/opo/finaid.html