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Just a reminder! The  June 10th deadline is soon approaching!

We would like to invite you to submit proposals for the annual Fall Conference to be held at Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA on Oct. 27 & 28th, 2016.

You’ll find the Call for Papers on our website, as well as the link to submit proposals, and information about the key speaker, Dr. Felix Kronenberg, President-Elect of IALLT. 

You can also find information about hotel accommodations, things to do in the area, directions, and more on the Conference website page

Please let us know if you have  questions.


Jean Janecki
Membership Coordinator, NERALLT

Jean M. Janecki, PhD
Language Resource Center Coordinator and LITS Liaison
50 College St.
Mount Holyoke College
South Hadley, MA 01075
413.538.2408 (LRC)