this is so well thought out and impressive. wow. you rock


On Jan 16, 2016, at 12:58 PM, DOC Nordic Ski Club <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:

Hey there lovely nordie enthusiasts,

It is SNOWING. (Or it was when I started this email.) In case some of you hadn't seen it yet, I thought I would point that out. With that said, here is a bunch of the information for the term about how regular practices work, costs of rentals and passes, info about becoming a leader, and more. If you plan on being an active member and getting a discounted season pass, I suggest you read this, even if I annoy you. Yes, that was a power play.

First of all, I need to point out that each member must be a DOC member. Otherwise you can't use our money to get things subsidized.


The way practices work is I will send a google doc (like the one attached) out every weekend before Monday at least. You sign up on the google doc under the day you want to come out and ski. Simple. Each day will have a description of the location of practice, who the leader of practice is, and if there will be someone there to specifically help beginners. There will be at least one practice a week where a designated leader will spend the whole practice time with any new skiers to teach them technique and help them get the skills to comfortably ski with other groups. Anyone can come to any practice, but if you are a beginner and want to be taught how to ski, there are only specific days to come when you will be given full attention. Anyone can go to the lessons for brushing up on skills if they want.

Practices will be Tuesdays (2:30-5pm), Thursdays (2:30-5pm), Fridays (3:15-5pm), and Saturdays (TBD by whatever the activity is for each week)

    A typical practice happens like this:

                    -Everyone meets at the van behind Robinson Hall 5 min before the scheduled departure time

                    -Drive to Oak Hill

                    -Get out of van

                    -Rent skis, get passes, get boots on and leave any extra clothing in the hut

                    -Everyone meets on the field above the hut and decides groups and designated leaders for each

                        group/generally where each group is going

                    -People ski and have fun and become friends

                    -Meet at vans by 5pm

                    -Drive back to campus

                    -Get hyped for the next day of skiing and friendship


Unfortunately, nothing in this life is free, including the passes and equipment needed for this club. Sadface. BUT, very fortunately, we have a very generous endowment that allows us to subsidize the sh*t out of things. Happyface. So here is how pricing is going to work:

       Season Pass: $25

       Season Rentals: $35 (skis live at oak hill, you don't bring them home)

This is a pretty sweet deal, and people can receive financial aid for these costs as well. If we travel away to another ski center, people will have to rent skis there and depending on if our pass works there or not, might be responsible for the price of a trail pass.


It would be great to get as many people in a position of an official leader as we can. In order to become a leader, these will be the requirements:

    *DOC van driver certified

    *DOC Risk management class

    *DOC Group Dynamics class

    *Must have lead a small group at practice at least 3 times

This is pretty vital, especially for freshman and sophomores who want the club to continue to thrive in the future. Without people becoming leaders and able to help out with practices and trips, this club can't survive. So please consider becoming leadership qualified.

Weekend Trips

If there is enough interest on a given Saturday or weekend and an available leader, we will be going on outings to other ski areas, races, clinics, or anything really. It would be great to see this happen, but I am just one person so I need some help and input on what people would like to see!


I don't know what these are but if you guys want these things I will figure it out. Apparently it's a DOC subclub staple.

Anything Else?

If you have any questions, email me and I will do my best to get back to you as promptly as I can. But as all of you know, classes are a thing and we are all just doing our best. As I mentioned, I would LOVE to hear from anyone interested in leading trips because I am just one person trying to make a ton of people happy. This club is BRAND NEW and has so much potential, so make it yours and make it fun and lets create something that current and future Dartmouth students can have and enjoy!

Think snow,

Phoebe Novello '17


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