About 1:30 PM yesterday, the 5th, I spotted what I think was a green heron
on Clay Brook in the Chaffee WMA in Lyme.  I must have spooked it b/c it
flew by me, headed south, as soon as I emerged from the trees on the
southern of the two spur trails to the brook.   Briefly flew down the brook
towards Post Pond, then veered west and settled out of sight in the reeds
just north of the first boathouse.  Never tucked its head in, so I saw a
reddish to turquoise upper body, length and wingspan about what the guides
suggest for a green heron. Didn't see the striped neck Sibley tells me is
striking in the American bittern and this seemed to be a smaller bird.
Still, I note that the American Bittern is reported as relatively common to
the area and I can't find reports of a Green Heron there. And the
observation was relatively brief ‹ we were both startled and the bird
responded more quickly than I did.  Beautiful to watch.

Anyone out there have any ideas about this?  I'll head back there about the
same time in a day or so and see if I can find it again.

Vic Henningsen
Thetford Center 

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