Error during command authentication.

Error - unable to initiate communication with LISTSERV (errno=10061, phase=CONNECT, target= The server is probably not started. LISTSERV - DOC-MOUNTAIN-BIKING Archives - LISTSERV.DARTMOUTH.EDU

Hey guys!

This email is (hopefully) organized in such a way that you can just scroll to what you need. (I’m doing this because there’s a lot of important info here).

We blitz out when the events below are offered. Please blitz me when you have completed any of the reqs, if you don’t understand the purpose of any of these, or if you feel you deserve a pass on any of them.


Anyone who wants to ride bikes often and/or wants to teach people/their friends should become a leader. Becoming a leader will vastly enlarge your social network, give you access to our 10 beautiful bikes as well as our extensive set of maps, and will make you feel powerful. You will get to decide when you want to ride, where you want to ride, and how hard you want to pedal.


PART A: Normal DOC requirements (4)

These are the requirements that are standard across the DOC subclubs. Leaders in other subclubs will already have these.

i)  CPR
ii) First Aid (WFA counts)
iii) Risk Management
iv) Group Dynamics

PART B: DMBC-specifc non-ride reqs (2)

These workshops will teach you how to fix a bike while out on a ride (because being stranded isn’t fun) and how to respect our trails

i)Trail-work day
ii) Maintenance workshop

PART C: DMBC- rides (3)

This is the fun part.

i)Co-Lead 1: you watch and learn how the leaders execute a trip
ii) 1-on-1 :You ride with a current leader (preferably me) and learn various bike skills and how to teach them
iii)Co-Lead 2: You lead a trip with another leader observing

