Did go looking for the RLHa this am..no luck, but good looks at a Cooper's
Hawk and a Red-tail. 

Both around the Gambrel barn and the pine sided house on Stevens Road.   


Family just return yest.  from a  "they made us go"  trip to sunny Florida.
Yes, we did wear T-shirt, shorts and sandals each day.

And swam in the waters on both coasts.    But, we are home again (to cold
and snow).


This was a family trip to FL. We flew in and out of Fort Meyers. 2 nights by
Lake Ochachobee, 4 in Vero Beach w/ my Mom (they actually moved out so we
could stay there), and 3 nights on Sanibel Island.   John Sutton of Corinth
and I birded Merritt Island NWF one day (lots of water, shore birds).(I can
forward his pics if anyone would like, they are on Flicker).  Went on an
Airboat ride on Lake O. at the north end. Not really my style, but amazing
access to spots I would never get to, sort of like a pelagic trip. Boys got
to steer boat. 


I/ family totaled 114 species. I added new birds to the list each day,
though on 2nd to last only added 1 (Snowy Plover, a lifer).

Met a birder who was talented. She was doing a "Bird-a-Day"  (that's a new
bird) challenge, for the year.   (any takers ?)


I am not the best typer, so if some of the species are abbreviated, bear w/
me.   The shore bird and waterfowl numbers were amazing at times.


Here are the highlights:  in chronological order..and many were seen lots of
times, esp. the herons.  Numbers are approximate and cumulative to the trip.


Boat-t. Grackle  100's

Anhinga  ~20

Great Egret  100's

Black and Turkey Vultures. ~600

Limpkin ~20

Cattle Egret ~ 500

Am. Coot  ~20,000   large concentrations, numerous places.

Osprey ~200

Laughing Gull and Ring-bill  ~200

Tree Swallow ~200     Barn ~ 50

Purple Martin  ~500

Co. Moorhen ~40

Tri-colored Heron ~ 100

Great-blue ~100

Green Heron ~20

Black-necked Stilt ~60

Red-sh. Hawk  ~50

Crested Caracara  ~20

Am. Kestrel  ~60

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher   5

Great-cr. Flyc.    ~20

Eastern meadowlark  ~12

Western Kingbird    1 male

Glossy Ibis   ~150

Loggerhead Shrike   ~50

Killdeer   ~12

Forster's Tern  ~300

Black-bellied Plover  ~500

Blackskimmer  ~500

Purple Gallinule  2

Snail Kite  ~12

Mottled Duck   ~40

White Ibis    ~600  several age classes

Wood Stork  ~ 60

Little Blue Heron  ~40

Lesser Yellowlegs  ~ 60  Greater ~50

Pied-b Grebe  ~40

No. Shoveler  ~100

Blue-w. Teal   ~ 200

Purple Swamphen  2 (pair)  Invasive AOU species. On airboat ride.

Bald Eagle  ~ 12

Wilson's Snipe   3

Sandhill Crane  9  2 families, 1 solo.

Swallow-t. Kite   ~12

Burrowing Owl  1.  Several times. At night in Kissimmee Prairre St. Pk.
Went specifically for them. (lifer)

Barred Owl.   1   KPSP.

Roseate Spoonbill  ~ 12

Pine Warbler   ~ 8, Palm W.  ~ 20

Mag. Frigatebird   ~ 6

Sanderling   ~2000

Ruddy Turnstone  ~600

No. Gannett   ~ 30

Semi-p. Sandpiper  4

Least Sa.   ~500

Royal Tern  ~100   Caspian Tern  ~20

Co. Ground Dove  2  at Pelican Island NWF.

Gadwall  8

Reddish Egret   ~16

Sora   3   vocalizing.

Dunlin   ~600  none in summer plumage

S-b Dowitcher   ~800

L-b Dowithcher   ~12

Bonaparte's Gull  6  (see John's pics)

Carolina Scrub Jay    1         "

B-g Gnatcatcher   6

Redbellied Woodp.   ~ 30

Bl-Crowned Nightheron  2   Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp.

Wh-eyed Vireo  3

Misc. warblers.

Sandwich Tern   6   cool bird, tiny dash of yellow at bill tip.

Snowy Plover  2 (pair) (lifer)

Wilson's Plover   ~ 12  (lifer)

Hudsonian Godwit   ~12

Western Sandpiper   ~12    quite close.

Piping Plover     ~12



SO.as you can see...Florida birding is quite special !    Hope I (we) get to
go again.  Missed Gull-billed Tern.  And others. Good to have an excuse to














Bill Shepard        


Project Coordinator

CT River Birding Trail

2360 Academy Road

Thetford Center, VT  05075


Home: 802 785-2855


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