Yoyoyo! This Saturday is the Silver Fox Trot, a ski race day at Oak Hill and Garipay Field right in Hanover, NH!

A number of club members are doing the 7km Citizen's Race at 1:30pm at Garipay (much flatter than Oak Hill). This is a great, low-key opportunity to try ski racing for the first time and just have fun! Bus will be leaving Robo at 12:30pm sharp on Saturday so we can pick up our bibs and warm up some. If you want to race, sign up in the google doc below:


Also, if you're racing, you will need to pay a registration fee. It can be paid online for $15 (subject to be subsidized by the club) at this link (https://www.skireg.com/silver-fox-trot) or you can pay $30 day of race. Online registration ends Thursday night at 11:30pm!

Finally, if you would like to watch some amazing skiing earlier in the day at Oak Hill and volunteer with the races (parking and timing for the races), sign up in the google doc below. If you're OPO driver certified you could get a vehicle to get you there, or you could drive your own car. Sign up to volunteer before Friday at 12pm so I can get your names to the volunteer coordinator.


Get Valentine's Day off to a good start with a nice ski race!

See you there! Let me know if you have any questions.



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