1. trips https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqnwK0LUfI4WdExUd1pVQzI0UzVYTXhBSXR1UnB5OFE&usp=drive_web#gid=0​

2. this sunday is the termly trail day at oak hill! Come help give back to the trails you love. We will be building a jump trail, pump track and possibly some drops. Sign up on the trips doc if you plan on coming for any period of time, as we will be getting snacks.

3. if you want to become a leader email Lorin Paley


Love mountain biking? Want to show off your badass factor? Then purchase a DMBC shirt!

Shirts cost $20, and financial aid is available.

Fill out this form if you want one!
