I am forwarding this message from Jennifer. Please let me know if you have any feedback.

Dave Sturges

The BorrowDirect Policy Group will meet in person and virtually at ALA.  One of the agenda topics is to evaluate the goals and to begin a discussion of the future direction of the BD partnership.  The partnership has evolved from a known-item requesting service among three institutions to a group of eleven institutions doing so much more.   To facilitate the conversation, each institution is asked to brainstorm ideas using the SWOT analysis tool prior to the meeting.  Following the review at ALA, we will use a tool from the Berkman Center at Harvard to identify where the partnership wants to focus its attention.  

The discussion will benefit by having as much input as possible from all areas of the Dartmouth Library.  Feel free to share this request with your staff and ask for their input to include in your reply.

Let me know if you have any questions.


By WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25TH, please reply to this email with your answers to the following.  

Borrow Direct SWOT Analysis
Exercise:  Using the filters below, consider/brainstorm the Borrow Direct Partnership and program of services. 

Strengths – What do you see are the strengths of Borrow Direct?
(Internal Environment)

Weaknesses – What do you see the weaknesses of Borrow Direct?
(Internal Environment)

Opportunities – What do you see are the opportunities for Borrow Direct?
(External Environment)

Threats – What do you see are the threats to Borrow Direct?
(External Environment)


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