To sign up for a trip, blitz the leader of that trip with your DA$H number (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE MONEY IN YOUR ACCOUNT!) or saying you'd like to pay in cash.
Please also send any dietary restrictions. Your spot will be reserved once you pay.
If the trip is free, just blitz the leader to reserve a spot. Also, sign up to get financial aid on any DOC - related activity:



What: Cool Trailwork!
When? Sunday 8:30am - 4:30 pm [This is flexible- let me know if you are interested but can't make the full trip]
Why? Be SO burly, get that heeler requirement, free lunch, good times with a local trail master, and who cares about finals anyway? Also stone work is super fun- its like a puzzle with really heavy pieces!
Leaders: Krystyna Oszkinis
Cost: FREE
Blitz: Krystyna Oszkinis by Thursday to sign up!

 Sign up to get financial aid on any DOC-related activity: