at Wilder Dam and Boston Lot Lake 

Nine of us met for our excursion under an overcast sky and temperature in the low 50s. 

In order of appearance we saw/heard: 
song sparrows 
rock pigeons 
Canada geese 
a kettle of turkey vultures 
mourning doves 
black-capped chickadees 
white-throated sparrows 
a very vocal veery 
American crows 
blue jays 
gray catbirds 
a chestnut-sided warbler 
an indigo bunting 
northern parulas 
American redstarts 
a downy woodpecker 
vocalizing and drumming yellow-bellied sapsuckers 
common yellowthroats 
a Baltimore oriole 
a red-eyed vireo 
a blue-headed vireo 
black throated blue warblers 
black throated green warblers 
spotted sandpipers 
a double-crested cormorant 
a northern flicker 
an American robin 
yellow-rumped warblers 
a hermit thrush 
a hairy woodpecker 
a Blackburnian warbler being harassed by a redstart 
a magnolia warbler 
broad winged hawks 
a least flycatcher 
a brown creeper 
a Canada warbler 
a scarlet tanager 
a white-breasted nuthatch 
common grackles 
and to end our outing, an immature bald eagle! 

Pip Richens 
Mascoma Chapter of NH Audubon 

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