Dear Colleagues:

In response to several questions concerning summer research interns, please review the FAQ below.  Also, please see the attached guide that has been updated with information.?  Thanks.

Frequently Asked Questions: Summer Research Internships

Do these procedures apply if I want to provide an internship to a Dartmouth student?
No, these procedures apply only for interns who are not Dartmouth students, such as high school students and non-Dartmouth undergraduate students.

Our lab sponsors research internships each summer. Do we now need to do this through the Office of Science and Technology Outreach?
No, you may continue to advertise and select interns as you have in the past, but you should be aware of new legislation passed in 2014 regarding student interns under 18. The new Faculty Guide describes the steps you need to take to comply with regulations governing student internships and clarifies the distinction between an internship and a job. Numerous offices are involved in overseeing these things; the goal was to simplify and clarify the process for faculty, and to collect the necessary forms in one place.

Is this a new program?
This is not a new program; rather, it is an attempt to simplify the process for faculty who want to offer a "one-off" research internship to local high school students or non-Dartmouth undergraduates from time to time outside of an established Dartmouth program. Faculty often do this as outreach. The new Faculty Guide was developed, at the request of faculty, to collect, on one document, the steps, forms, offices, and expectations involved.

How do these procedures relate to programs such as ASURE, MPUS, INBRE, REU?
The list of forms and instructions Dartmouth faculty need in order to comply with state and federal regulations apply to all summer research internships for non-Dartmouth undergraduates and high school students. Specific programs (internal programs, such as ASURE, and external programs, such as the American Chemistry Society's Project SEED) may have additional forms and stipulations.

Does the Office of Science & Technology Outreach fund summer research internships?
Not at this time. Some faculty offer research internships that do not involve a stipend; some fund internships through grant funding; and some offer paid research positions (jobs) to students through other funding sources.

Is housing available for interns who are not local?
There is no official channel for housing non-Dartmouth student research interns, but the Graduate Office has been working with Residential Life to help track and interface with faculty who need to arrange for housing and meal plans for such students on an ad hoc basis.

Does the Office of Science & Technology Outreach manage non-Dartmouth student research internships?
The Office may publicize research internships to local schools and teachers, at the request of sponsoring faculty, then forwards questions to the faculty sponsor. Most faculty do not need to do advertise; potential interns contact them. The Office also helps adapt the application template for a specific internship and distributes applications materials. The Outreach office does not currently have the resources to manage non-Dartmouth student research internships.

Jill Mortali
Director, Office of Sponsored Projects
Dartmouth College
11 Rope Ferry Road
Hanover NH 0375


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