From: Ralf Porankiewicz <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: BYOLL Language Lab
Date: February 6, 2014 4:33:09 PM CST
To: Language Learning and Technology International Information Forum <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>

How can a professional Language Lab be completely free of charge?

Since we started the BYOLL campaign in November of last year, the response has been overwhelming. Our initial goal to add 5,000 accounts within the first year has been achieved within three months.
During the last ACTFL conference in Orlando, our audience addressed a couple of questions that need clarification:
1) Will BYOLL continue to be free?
2) How is ReLANpro able to offer the application at no cost?

ReLANpro's BYOLL program will continue to be free of charge and all existing and new users will be able to enjoy this service for many years to come.

ReLANpro wants to change the game of language learning and we have successfully sold and integrated our Cloud Based and traditional Language Labs in education all over the world over the past two decades.
Unfortunately, a lot of potential customers were not able to integrate any multimedia language lab software, because of two main reasons:

1) Issues regarding school budgets and priorities.
2) It is sometimes difficult to get all colleagues on board and embrace full 21st Century Learning.

To ensure that teachers facing these issues can start implementing these important and successful adaptations to the learning program immediately, no questions asked, the BYOLL program was introduced.

It is great to see so many of you sign up for something that will benefit both you and your students. We have also added free online help and training, to make sure BYOLL is implemented correctly.
Of course ReLANpro is a business and even though we want to support the learning community, we don't live of air alone. Though limited in server space and number of students that can access the account at the same time, the free BYOLL application offers schools a great starting package with everything you need to provide students with a flexible and versatile language-learning program. There is no catch.

So in short: BYOLL will remain free of charge, and schools that would like to expand are able to upgrade their subscription. We believe in our product, and we hope you do too.
ReLANpro wants to continue to give back to education. Last year's scholarship program and releasing BYOLL were just the start of that.

I will be presenting BYOLL at the California Language Teachers' Association (CLTA) in San Diego, March 15th, and at the Central States Conference (CSCTFL) in St. Louis, March 22nd.

Until Next Time.
For ReLANpro....
Ralf Porankiewicz, President

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