This should work for any browser, any file/URL:

$ open -a /Applications/
$ open -a /Applications/Google\ /Users/Shared/Documents/WorldSeriesWinners.html

Assuming you have /usr/bin/open or something like it.

On Feb 26, 2014, at 2:06 PM, Walter Ian Kaye wrote:

> Hey folks, I'm writing a script for Web browsers, but since I'm on an older system I cannot run newer browsers. I've assembled a long list, and have managed to tackle all but the following four, which appear to not have any dictionary:
> * Demeter        com.hurrikenux.Demeter15
> * Shiira         jp.hmdt.shiira
> * Stainless      com.stainlessapp.Stainless
> * TrailBlazer
> So, could somebody please test these four with "tell ... to open <alias>" and see which, if any, will open an HTML file?
> thanks!
> -boo