On 2014 Jan 31, at 13:28, Geoff Graham <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

No problem. When I say 'open', I normally have a little opener script in each file, that exists just to be called by the master file. If you have globals to be set, zooming, hiding windows, etc. this is where these go. If you have none of those, then these little scripts can just have 'Exit Script' as the only step.

The 'master' script, which opens the others, just has a Perform Script step for each file, each line calling the little script in each file to be opened.

I've has less luck with the Open File script step, so I never use it.


For a couple of my users I go even further and have a separate file called "Opener". All it does is open other files, then it hides itself.

Well, that's not quite true. It also has a single page in its single record in its single table on which it asks the user to sign in using a drop-down menu of possible user names, select which branch of the organization they're working for from a separate drop-down menu, and either confirm or change the fiscal year. That information is then made available from the "Opener" file to the rest of the files in the system.